” Published on 1 Jul 2012

IN THIS MOVIE, George Zimmerman’s reenactment of his fatal encounter with Trayvon Martin is analyzed by legal experts.

This video examines the most recent release of evidence in the case against George Zimmerman.


1) Feature film, “ANALYSIS OF THE LIES”
2) Full audio interview of Zimmerman by Det. Serino on Feb. 29, 2012
3) Interviews of several legal experts
4) Commentary by TV hosts, Jane Velez-Mitchell and Rolonda Watts
5) Commentary by former attorney, Vinnie Politan

“While more and more people with NO CHARACTER continue to stand with George Zimmerman, this video will show why YOU should stand up for Trayvon!”

There has been tons disclosed since this video was produced. There is an amazing channel on youtube call “LLMpapa” who has painstakingly broken down ALL of the evidence in this murder case. Racial profiling and murder is clearly evident here. It’s a very disturbing case and it makes me feel sick inside. Zimmerman has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from fellow American racists since he killed unarmed Trayvon Martyn who was minding his own business when some creepy guys started aggressively following him. He was in a strange neighborhood, it was raining and dark, he was talking to his girlfriend on the way back from the store. Zimmerman has prior violent offenses and allegedly is a known racist as is every member of his family including his father who is a retired judge HENCE his not still sitting in jail like anyone else would be who was involve in such a violent crime, sadly especially a person of color that prisons are filled with with less evidence than this. There are many independent witnesses that have come forward. The trial starts in 39 days with a jury. It’s going to be interesting. If justice isn’t served it’s going to get ugly. In my opinion George Zimmerman is a sociopath racist lying murderer. I really hope justice is serve in this case. I am clearly NOT a George Zimmerman supporter and I will not engage with any of his crazy supporters of which the internet is pathetically packed with. Reasonable comments welcome. Check out “LLMpapa” on youtube. He is fully up to date on this horrific case.